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Hohhot Attractions

Hohhot City - a famous historical and cultural city along the north boundary, It means Green City of the Inner Mongolia, A visit to Hohhot is likely to be an unforgettable experience. Not only fantastic cultural site of Temples, but also the magnificent natural beauty of Grassland, the natural surrounding of Hohhot is particularly amazing.

Xilamuren Grassland is the first grassland tourist attraction opened in Hohhot. Its situated in the southeast part of Damao Banner. During the Nadam Festival held every summer, tourists can enjoy a series of different entertainment activities: horse racing, wrestling, camel horse riding, national song, dance performance, campfire party, visiting herdsmen households.

Gegentala Grassland in Hohhot

Gegentala Grassland is the largest and a unique scenic spots bearing the Mongolian ethical features of China. Located to the north of Hohhot, In Chinese Mongolian 'Gegentala' means the summer resorts or the place of grazing in summer. On the grasslands, the weather is cool and the natural scenery is fascinating. as Colorful wild flowers and flocks of sheep that look like masses of cloud make the scene absolutely beautiful.


Hohhot City is the home to more than 50 temples. The Dazhao Temple is the earliest temple in Hohhot with a history of over 400 year. Dazhao Temple is entirely patterned after Chinese temples except for the main hall, which is patterned after a Tibetan Lama temple. In middle of the Buddha hall sits a silver Buddha statute, which provides the Dazhao Temple with its alternative name of Silver Buddha Temple.

Five Pagoda Temple is 13 meters high temple and is composed of three parts: the base, the seat and the top (five pagodas). In the lower seat there is exquisite inscriptions of Diamond Sutra written in Mongolian, Tibetan and Sanskrit. The upper part of the base is a niche for a statue of Buddha and four Devarajas.

Zhaojun Tomb in Hohhot
Zhaojun Tomb is one of eight major sights in Hohhot. as one of the four ancient belles. Zhaojun was married to the King of Hun, andby the Han Emperor for political reasons. Zhaojun Tomb is also known as Green Tomb since story has it every autumn the grass on the tomb remains lush while all the rest dies with the season. The scenery surrounding the tomb varies from morning to evening, adding a touch of mystery to its beauty.
Inner Mongolia Museum, the only comprehensive museums in Inner Mongolia, was located in the center of Hohhot. that is one of the museums built in regions inhabited by ethnic groups. the Inner Mogolia Museum has a total construction area of fifteen thousand square meters. Covering seven thousand square meters, exhibitions show visitors both the history of local people and the evolutionary journey of earth. offers online information on Hohhot Attractions and More Travel Guide of Hohhot. Keep browsing our site for more information on China.